Viewpoint From the Editor-in-Chief

Damita Miller-Shanklin

In the June issue, I spoke about this month being our entry into the summer. We all have been staying inside, working from home or being on the front line helping others in our community. We are now slowing emerging into the sunlight and watching our world moving once again. It’s a slow pace in my view, but moving just the same.

June is the month our Black communities celebrate June 19th. It is also known as Juneteenth. In the past year, I have experienced an awakening of my history, our fight for justice and just the smell of racism. Recently with the story of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921, Juneteenth has taken on a new energy, a new meaning in the bigger perspective.

As I celebrate this Juneteenth, I will remember all the people who fought for our freedom. It’s such a tremendous legacy that has allowed me and you to be in the world as we are today. The Emancipation Proclamation started Black people on the road to freedom and individuality. However, even when our ancestors and free Black people built their own wealth and community, it was burn down because our freedom showed how smart we are as a people and how we can live without leaning on anyone else to live in this world.

I wish you all a great summer. Celebrate who we are as individuals and as a community.

Collective Work and Responsibility

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