Helping Children Feel Confident Returning to School

Damita Miller-Shanklin

As the new school year starts, parents can play an important role in ensuring their children feel comfortable and excited about going back to school. It is important to create a supportive and nurturing environment to ease the transition back to the classroom.

Returning to school can be both exciting and a nervous time for children. Parents can open lines of communication and discuss any concerns they may have. Having open and honest discussions can help parents understand their children’s worries and provide reassurance.

One way to help with creating a positive attitude returning to school is to visit the school prior to the first day.This can really help for a child going to school for the first time. Helping a child feel familiar can ease anxiety about the unknown.

Buying back to school clothes, shoes and their school supplies can bring excitement for the new school year. I remember this being my favorite thing. Creating a consistent routine of going to bed for a good night’s sleep can provide structure and focus. This can help a kid feel more prepared and confident. It is important for parents to remain patient and supportive because adjusting to being back at school may take time. 

Staying involved in the child’s school life can make a big difference. This may include parents attending school events, parent-teacher conferences, and having a relationship with teachers and staff. This shows their parents are there to support them.

As the school year starts, parents can take steps to help their children feel comfortable, confident, and excited about their return to school. By having a positive and supportive attitude, parents can help ensure a successful and rewarding school experience for their child.

Have a great school year everyone!!

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