Have You Taken Advantage of the Austin Water Rebates?

Damita Miller-Shanklin

If you haven’t taken advantage of the Austin Water Rebates, what are you waiting for? Taking advantage of these rebates helps you to be Water Wise!

There are three (3) types of Residential Rebates that you may be interested in. They are as follows:


WaterWise Landscapes– Up to $3,000 to convert turf grass to native bed

Landscape Survival Tools– Combine mulch and compost, and core aeration for a $120 savings

WaterWise Rainscape– Retain rainwater by using landscaping features. Rebate of $0.50 per foot converted up to $1500 per property

Rainwater Harvesting– Up to $5,000 per site


Upgrades to Irrigation-Up to $1000 in rebates

Watering Timer-Up to $40 for hose timers

Laundry to Landscape-Up to $150 to reuse laundry graywater to water landscape


Cartridge Pool Filter-Up to $250

Pool Cover– Up to $200 for new pool cover

You can see there are a variety of options for you to take advantage of the rebates. For more detail information about the each rebate and how to get involved, please go to https://www.austintexas.gov/department/rebates-tools-programs.

We would love to know if you have already used the rebates. Let us know at Damita@Ujimamagazine.com. Enjoy your summer and stay cool.

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