September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Damita Miller-Shanklin

Source: Integral Care

Suicide is a serious, but preventable public health problem. Integral Care, as the local authority for behavioral health and developmental disabilities, has taken the lead on initiatives to help educate our community in hopes of collaboratively preventing suicides from occurring. More than 32,000 people in the United States die by suicide every year. It is this country’s 11th leading cause of death, and is often characterized as a response to a single event or set of circumstances.

There are several ways for individuals to participate in National Suicide Prevention Month:

  1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about the warning signs of suicide and the available resources in your community.
  2. Start Conversations: Be open and nonjudgmental when discussing mental health with friends and family. Encourage them to seek help if they’re struggling.
  3. Support Mental Health Organizations: Consider donating to or volunteering with organizations dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health awareness.
  4. Participate in Awareness Events: Attend local events, walks, or runs organized to raise awareness and funds for suicide prevention.

National Suicide Prevention Month reminds us that suicide is a preventable tragedy, and it calls on us all to take action. By increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and fostering a supportive environment, we can save lives and offer hope to those who may be struggling. Together, we can make a difference and work toward a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a mentally healthy and fulfilling life.

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