The Season of Staying Grounded

by Christina Gobert, Contributing Writer

In Ayurveda we talk about the doshas which are determined by the earth’s elements (fire, space, water, earth, air). Each of us has a specific accumulation of each of these elements within us, which determines our dosha type. When the season changes, the accumulation of each dosha within us also changes.

It is currently the Vata season. Vata dosha is ruled by space and air elements which means we need to put in intentional effort to stay grounded this season. An imbalance of Vata dosha also causes anxiety, an overactive mind, worry, constipation, fatigue, and dry skin, hair and nails. In order to combat these imbalances of the body and mind, we can do the following to support ourselves during Vata season:

  • Eat more dense vegetables that grow naturally during this time- think squash or pumpkin soups or stews
  • Avoid raw or cold food and drinks
  • Keep the body warm, moist and hydrated
  • Surround yourself with Vata-balancing colors such as red, orange, yellow (get outside!)
  • Get more sleep to increase balance this season as the sun sets earlier
  • Incorporate a mind-calming routine such as a five minute meditation practice

What Vata-balancing practices can you incorporate to support your highest self this Fall season?

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