Black History: Our History. Our Present. Our Legacy

Celebrating Black History month has a powerful meaning at this time in our communities. As you hear on the news, many politicians and people in general want to say our history did not happen the way it was documented and our family members who know the stories, lived the history, got it wrong. How is that possible?

The pain of erasing my history, your history, makes me angry. But my anger has turned into a mission to tell more stories of our people in our communities. Our history is important to this country and how it was built. We know the importance of people, that range from Martin Luther King, Jr. to President Barack Obama, have made a difference in who we are a a culture and as a body of people. We will never forget our history but we have to look at where we are now and where we want our future to land.

As we celebrate February and Black History Month look back at where we have come from, make sure you look ahead and plan how we will continue the fight for equality and justice because it is being diminished everyday. I know we celebrate in February but we need to celebrate every day, every month.

              “Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.”-Michelle Obama

Let’s keep our history moving forward.

#blackhistorymonth #celebratinghistory #legacy #freedom

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