She Speaks Wellness: It’s Time to Rest!

Minister Sonya Hosey, Contributor

As we enter a new year, we must intentionally address our rest. ,” I realized I desperately needed to recharge after all that 2023 had thrown my way.

I recently learned about the term “radical rest,” which is an intentional practice of taking a break from the daily grind to rejuvenate oneself mentally, physically, and emotionally. This practice is a response to the continued pressures of oppressive systems that exhaust and harm marginalized individuals. Radical rest is also an effective way of healing from trauma, chronic illness, and stress.

I recognize that as a woman, we believe that we are the ones to do everything – work, take care of the home, and be caretakers and leaders. During the process, we lose ourselves. It’s almost like an identity crisis, which affects our attitudes and behaviors.

In early January, I made a conscious decision to take a break from everything because I realized that my mind and body needed time to recover from constant overloading. Instead of measuring my worth based on my performance or productivity, I took the time to reassess my sense of self. On the first night, I found it difficult to not do anything, but I realized that I needed to rest to gain clarity about my identity. I needed to define myself not just as a wife, mother, colleague, minister, or any other title or task I had taken on. Along with five other women, I sought the help of Aiki Healing to nourish ourselves with healthy food, enjoy a five-star Bed and Breakfast, exercise, practice breathing exercises, and receive bodywork on a six-acre lot. This retreat gave me the opportunity to sit in quietness and find peace within myself. 

Women, take time to rest. The Greek word for rest, anapou the word means to refresh, rejuvenate, reinvigorate, or revitalize.

Matthew 11:28 says,” Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.”

Women sit still and listen to God. He will give you rest!

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