Staying Cool This Summer From the Inside Out

Christina Gobert, Contributor

Happy Summer! Time seems to have flown by this year as we are now in the summer season. Here in Texas where temperatures regularly reach 100+ degrees this time of year, it is safe to say our daily lives are altered by the sweltering heat. In an effort to support you in keeping cool, I want to provide some suggestions/helpful reminders from an Ayurvedic and Alkaline perspective that you can incorporate into your summer days.

Sea Moss is a seaweed that grows in various oceans. Sea Moss is grown on a rock and therefore contains 92 of the 102 minerals that make up the human body. Restoring these minerals is crucial to keeping the body hydrated and properly running on a cellular level. You can purchase high quality Sea Moss here.

Coconut water or key lime water are excellent forms of naturally alkaline electrolytes that will hydrate your body on a cellular level. 

Plan any activities for the early morning or later evening when it is cooler outside.

Many people’s appetites naturally decrease during this time, as your digestive fire is naturally lower. Honor this by not overeating.

Favor foods that will cool the body by providing natural hydration, such as watermelon, cucumbers and cooling salads.

Favor cool, but not ice cold drinks so as to not douse your digestive fire.

Whatever your plans are this summer, please embrace the heat and safely; enjoy this time of outdoor fun in the sun!

Chopra Health (Ayurveda) & Meditation Instructor

Natural Healing Wellness Co.

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