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How Eating from Dr. Sebi’s Food List Changed My Life

 Christina Gobert, Contributing Writer As mentioned in the April issue, I have been following the teachings of Dr. Sebi for the past 4 years in order to live a healthier lifestyle. I have eaten about 90% of my diet exclusively from the food list (see link below). As a result, I have noticed the following changes: If you would like to experience more vitality and … Continue reading How Eating from Dr. Sebi’s Food List Changed My Life

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Have You Heard of Dr. Sebi?

Christina G. -Contributing Writer If you are someone who has researched healthier ways of eating, it is likely you have come across the teachings of Alfredo Bowman, affectionately known as Dr. Sebi. Dr. Sebi was an African man born in Honduras in 1933. In various videos of Dr. Sebi found on YouTube, he recounts how he came upon the knowledge he later shared with the … Continue reading Have You Heard of Dr. Sebi?

Conditions Doctor’s Often Miss

Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis are some of the top causes of medical error in the United States today. Cancers, heart attack, stroke are on the top misdiagnosis list. There are ways you can help your doctor make a timely diagnosis.  Here are some suggestions that may help you communicate with your physician: Tell The Whole Story: Even things that seem minor to you. Take Notes: … Continue reading Conditions Doctor’s Often Miss

[New Issue] Falling In Love with Natural Healing: Christina and Aaron Gobert

If you want learn about living and eating healthy, you will want to read our feature story with Christina Gobert. If you can share the link with your friends and followers, it would be greatly appreciated. Damita Miller-Shanklin Writer/Editor-in-Chief Continue reading [New Issue] Falling In Love with Natural Healing: Christina and Aaron Gobert