She Speaks Wellness: Digging Deeper

The Benefits of Radical Rest

Minister Sonya Hosey, Contributing Writer

In a previous article, I talked about how important it is to take care of ourselves, get enough rest, and reflect on our sense of self. However, I didn’t share my self-reflection because I needed to discover so much within myself. But now, I want to be vulnerable and share how God’s teachings have continued to transform my perspective on wellness in ways I never thought possible.

As a woman clergy, I thought I understood God well, like many others. But recently, I developed a deeper connection with Him that helped me realize what truly matters in life. Layer by layer, I’m still peeling back the layers of understanding. We often settle for superficial healing and experiences instead of digging deeper to find the true meaning of life. To heal, we must sit in stillness, and in our quietness, we can hear our heartbeat.

As I sat in stillness with God, I saw women who were once closed off blooming like flowers in a way I had never seen before. I smiled and teared up simultaneously because I saw God’s presence working in mine and their lives.

God wants a deeper connection with us, but we can only achieve this by slowing down and resting in His care. The whole purpose of She Speaks Wellness is for women to become well, which focuses on creating meaningful experiences through encounters led by the Holy Spirit, which can have the power to change lives profoundly.

.In conclusion, it is essential to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God by connecting with Him and understanding His ways achieved through stillness. 

To learn more about She Speaks Wellness, go to

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